Community Impact Fund
PHP continues to support social and charitable activities and services linked to the patients and communities of our occupiers, which cannot be readily accessed elsewhere. In total, PHP provided £12,000 during 2024 (2023: £137,500).
During 2024 we amended our social impact programme to focus and link directly with the Group’s asset management projects, working directly with tenants to provide support for their chosen local initiatives. Grants have been committed totalling £13,000 (2023: £20,000) and we are engaging with practices, at a number of projects whose buildings are at varying stages of refurbishment, delivering much needed support through social prescribing, and we plan to continue to offer grants in this way. We continue to monitor the positive impact of these awards.
Our experience, and that of our award recipients, continues to demonstrate the important role social prescribing has to play in addressing direct and indirect health impacts.
PHP has also continued to support a number of charities from the Community Impact Fund during the year, including The Academy of Real Assets, Children with Cancer UK, Welsh Air Ambulance, Children in Need and Insulate Ukraine and charity matched funding for employees' chosen charities.