Risk Inherent risk rating
Change to
risk in 2021 Commentary on risk in the year Mitigation Residual risk rating
Responsible Business
Due to the far greater scrutiny by regulators,
debt providers and investors over the last
twelve months, should this rate continue
there is a risk we do not meet their criteria
in the short term.
Likelihood is high and
impact of occurrence
could be major.
All debt and equity investors now prioritise ESG as a standard
agenda item, with a notable increase in its occurrence noted during
the year, and is expected to continue.
There is a risk that we may not meet the hurdles sought by debt
and equity investors should PHP not focus enough on these ESG
agenda items, potentially impacting the funding of the
Additionally, political and regulatory changes to the energy efficiency
and net carbon neutral targets of corporates are expected to be
mandated in the short term, notably in light of COP26.
Over the last 18 months PHP has focused on its ESG credentials, implementing and putting in place the following
to ensure we continue to meet investor expectations:
• put in place an ESG policy, set up an ESG Committee that reviews the ESG Risk Dashboard, as well as
employed a new ESG Director as part of its management team.
• Engaged external experts GRESB and Carbon Trust to review our current ESG agenda and appropriateness for
a listed REIT.
• Sustainability targets and hurdles are monitored to ensure acquired assets or asset management schemes
meet specific ESG criteria, with these same criteria aligned to investors and debt providers.
• Constant communication with debt and equity providers, resulting in £300 million of sustainability linked
financing for the two debt refinances in the year.
• Community Impact Fund introduced in the year.
• EPC rating benchmarks are set to ensure compliance with Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (‘‘MEES’’) that
could otherwise impact the quality and desirability of our assets leading to higher voids, lost income and
reduced liquidity; we consider environmental and climate change risk relating to our assets and
We work with our occupiers to improve the resilience of our assets to climate change as well as with contractors
who are required to conform to our responsible development requirements.
The Group is committed to meeting its
obligations in line with its Responsible
Business Framework and feels it has
introduced sufficient mitigants to
continue to deliver its objectives.
Diversified, long term funding
Debt financing
Without appropriate confirmed debt
facilities, PHP may be unable to meet current
and future commitments or repay or
refinance debt facilities as they become due.
The likelihood of
insufficient facilities is
moderate but the
impact of such an
event would
Unchanged Negotiations with lenders have confirmed that the Group enjoys
the confidence of the lending markets both in terms of the
traditional high street lenders and the bond markets.
The Company successfully completed two debt refinances during
the year, entering into one new revolving credit facility of £100 million
with Natwest, as well as refinancing £200 million of legacy debt
with Aviva. The Company entered into a new £50million revolving
credit facility with Santander and €75million Euro private
placement immediately post year end.
Existing lenders remain keen to finance PHP and new entrants to debt capital markets have increased
Management regularly monitors the composition of the Group’s debt portfolio to ensure compliance with
covenants and continued availability of funds.
Management regularly reports to the Board on current debt positions and provides projections of future covenant
compliance to ensure early warning of any possible issues.
The Board regularly monitors the
facilities available to the Group and
looks to refinance in advance of any
maturity. The Group is subject to the
changing conditions of debt
Interest rates
Adverse movement in underlying interest
rates could adversely affect the Group’s
earnings and cash flows and could impact
property valuations.
The likelihood of
volatility in interest
rate markets is high
and the potential
impact if not managed
adequately could
Unchanged Term interest rate markets remained volatile during the period and
this volatility is likely to continue in the near future.
Over the year, term interest rates have reduced which has impacted
the MtM valuations of the Group’s debt.
In October 2021 the Group entered into £200 million of interest
rate hedges, swapping fixed rate for three-month floating rate for a
three-year period, as well as mitigating downside risk by capping
variable exposure.
The Group holds a proportion of its debt in long term, fixed rate loans and mitigates its exposure to interest rate
movements on floating rate facilities through the use of interest rate swaps.
As at the balance sheet date 100% of drawn debt is fixed or hedged.
MtM valuation movements do not impact on the Group’s cash flows and are not included in any covenant test in
the Group’s debt facilities.
The Group is currently well protected
against the risk of interest rate rises
but, due to its continued investment in
new properties and the need to
maintain available facilities, will be
exposed to future interest rate levels.
Deliver progressive returns
Potential over-reliance on
the NHS and HSE
PHP invests in a niche asset sector where
changes in healthcare policy, the funding of
primary care, economic conditions and the
availability of finance may adversely affect
the Group’s portfolio valuation
Likelihood is low but
impact of occurrence
may be major.
The UK and Irish Governments continue to be committed to the
development of primary care services and initiatives to develop new
models of care increasingly focusing on greater utilisation of
Despite the UK’s exit from the European Union and COVID-19
pandemic, we expect the demand for health services will continue
to grow, driven by demographics. However, future government
funding levels in the UK and Ireland may be impacted by any long
term, material change to economic performance.
A fundamental change in government policy could impact how the
private sector regards its investment in this asset class and its
willingness to further deploy private sector resources to improve
thequality of primary care facilities.
The commitment to primary care is a stated objective of both the UK and Irish Governments and on a
Management engages directly with government and healthcare providers in both the UK and Ireland to promote
the need for continued investment in modern premises.
This continued investment provides attractive long term, secure income streams that characterise the sector
leads to stability of values.
Policy risk and general economic
conditions are out of the control of the
Board, but pro-active measures are taken
to monitor developments and to consider
their possible implications for the Group.
Foreign exchange risk
Income and expenditure that will be derived
from PHP’s investments in Ireland will be
denominated in Euros and may be affected
unfavourably by fluctuations in currency
rates, impacting the Group’s earnings and
portfolio valuation.
Likelihood of volatility
high but the potential
impact at present is
relatively low due to
quantum of investment
in Ireland, albeit this
Unchanged The Group now has 20 investments in Ireland. Asset values, funding
and net income are denominated in Euros.
The continued impact of COVID-19 throughout the European Union
continues to cause exchange rate volatility.
The Board has funded and will continue to fund its investments in Ireland with Euros so as to create a natural
hedge between asset values and liabilities in Ireland.
Management closely monitors the Euro to GBP currency rates with its banks to formulate a formal hedging
strategy against Irish net cash flows.
PHP has implemented a hedging
strategy in the form of a natural hedge
so as to manage exchange rate risk.
54 Primary Health Properties PLC Annual Report 2021