PHP manages its portfolio effectively and efficiently, managing the risks faced by its business in order to achieve its strategic objectives.
Activity in 2023 |
- £4.3 million, or 3.0% additional income from rent reviews and asset management projects
- Five new asset management projects legally exchanged during the year, one of which formed part of the eight asset management projects physically completed in the year. A further eight lease regears and four new lettings were delivered, delivering £0.3 million of rental growth and investing £13.1 million
- EPRA cost ratio of 10.7% continues to be one of the lowest in the sector
Looking forward |
- Strong pipeline of over 23 advanced asset management projects and lease regears being progressed over the next two years, investing £19.3 million whilst extending the WAULT on these premises back to 20 years
- Continued discussions with occupiers and the NHS to discuss requirements and opportunities as well as continue to negotiate rents in order to deliver an acceptable return
Content sourced from 2023 Annual Report.