Creating long term sustainable value

We invest in flexible, modern properties for local primary healthcare. The overall objective of the Group is to create progressive returns to shareholders through a combination of earnings growth and capital appreciation. To achieve this, PHP has invested in healthcare real estate let on long-term leases, backed by a secure underlying covenant where the majority of rental income is funded directly or indirectly by a government body.


Our key strengths

PHP aims to operate in a relatively low risk environment to generate progressive returns to shareholders through investment in the primary healthcare sector, which is less cyclical than other real estate sectors.

By providing additional space facilitating the provision of additional services or extending the term of underlying leases, PHP can increase and lengthen its income streams and create the opportunity to add capital value.

PHP's portfolio is managed by an experienced team within an efficient management structure, where operating costs are tightly controlled.

PHP funds its portfolio with a diversified mix of equity and debt, in order to optimise risk-adjusted returns to shareholders.

Key characteristics of the portfolio

Underpinned by our strategy

The Group looks to selectively grow its property portfolio by funding and acquiring high quality developments, newly developed facilities and investing in already completed, let properties.

PHP manages its portfolio effectively and efficiently, managing the risks faced by its business in order to achieve its strategic objectives.

The Group funds its portfolio with a diversified mix of equity and debt on a secured and unsecured basis, in order to optimise risk-adjusted returns to shareholders.

Positive yield gap between acquisition and funding with continued improvements in rental growth.

Wider outcomes

Social impact

PHP aims to provide modern premises located within residential communities to enable better access to an increasing range of services being delivered locally with greater accessibility than from hospitals.

Read more on Social impact

Environmental impact

Environmental impact is an integral consideration in the development, design and construction of new PHP properties. Developing new premises, PHP and its development partners seek to achieve the highest BREEAM standards in the UK or nZEB (nearly zero energy buildings) in Ireland, as well as highest energy ratings. 

Read more on Environmental impact

Healthcare targets

The modern, flexible premises that PHP provides facilitate the provision of more wide ranging and integrated care services helping to realise the NHS target of 24/7 access to GP services and the HSE’s expansion of primary care infrastructure.